Research and training

The Confederation supports academic research and academic contributions on Business and Human Rights. In addition, it collaborates on an ad hoc basis with various academic institutions on the question of the respect of human rights by companies. The following list focuses on institutions specialized in human rights issues.

The Geneva Centre for Business and Human Rights
The Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights (GCBHR) works with companies to identify business models that enable profits and human rights principles to co-exist. It offers companies a safe space to discuss pressing human rights challenges and ways to integrate human rights standards in their respective industry contexts.

The International Training Centre of the ILO
The ILO International Training Centre is a training institution that offers learning, knowledge-sharing and institutional capacity building programs for governments, workers' and employers' organizations and other partners. Many training courses on corporate social responsibility, labour standards, social dialogue, innovation, sustainable development, etc. are proposed.
In addition, the Centre also offers an online learning platform (E-campus) that responds to diverse learning needs through different modalities, including self-guided modules, tutor-based programs, communities of practice, webinars, and knowledge facilities. The module "An introduction to the MNE Declaration" provides an overview of the principles of the Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and presents real cases that illustrate the implementation of these principles in practice.  

The Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit at the University of St. Gallen
The Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit provides an international platform for young researchers in the field of business and human rights. It is intended for doctoral students and young post-doctoral researchers in the field of business and human rights.