The federal Council is active on the basis of different policies and action plans.
The present National action plan on business and human rights is the first strategy document from the federal government that addresses the specific issue of business and human rights. The objective of the NAP is to improve the protection of human rights in the context of business activities. It also helps to improve the consistency of government action: The implementation of the UNGP will also be taken as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the federal agencies concerned.
In view of the rapidly changing environment and the variety of ways in which State action affects and is affected by the business and human rights domain, constant vigilance is required to ensure that government policy remains consistent. This can be fostered by means of an inclusive, ongoing process of drafting, reviewing and renewing the National Action Plan.
Policy coherence
Economic, social, environmental, development and human rights policies are all interrelated elements of a policy to promote sustainable development. The Federal Council attaches great importance to coherence between these policies.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
The corporate social responsibility covers among other topics the working conditions, human rights, environment, anti-corruption measures, fair competition, consumer interests, taxes, transparency, etc. The Position paper and Action plan of the Federal Council concerning the corporate responsibility for the society and the environment explains the strategy of the Confederation and the corresponding activities.
Portal of the Confederation on CSR
The 2030 Agenda
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets the globally applicable framework for national and international efforts to find shared solutions to the world's greatest challenges.
Goals of the 2030 Agenda
Sustainable Development
In its Sustainable Development Strategy, the Federal Council sets out the areas on which its sustainability policy will focus. It highlights sustainable development priorities for the medium to long term.
2030 Sustainable Development Strategy
International cooperation
Switzerland's international cooperation efforts aim to reduce poverty and global risks, alleviate suffering, and promote peace and respect for human rights.
Dispatch on Switzerland's International Cooperation Strategy 2021-2024
Swiss foreign policy
In its foreign policy reports, the Federal Council sets out how Swiss foreign policy was formulated in the past and what its most important objectives and priorities are for the years to come.
Foreign policy reports
Foreign Economic Policy Reports
The Report presents an overview of the key events and activities in the field of foreign economic policy during the year under review.
Foreign Economic Policy Reports
FDFA Human Rights Guidelines 2021-2024
Switzerland has a new human rights strategy for the 2021-2024 period which aims to promote human rights in the areas of peace and security, business, and sustainability.
FDFA Human Rights Guidelines 2021-2024
Human Rights Defenders
The FDFA aims to provide better protection for human rights defenders and through this give legitimacy to their work. Switzerland’s representations abroad play an important role in achieving this. The “Swiss Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders “form the basis of its commitment.
Swiss Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
National Action Plan to Fight Human Trafficking
The National Action Plan (NAP) to Fight Human Trafficking shows where action is required by Switzerland to combat this crime. It also explains what strategy and specific measures stakeholders at federal and cantonal level as well as from NGOs and international organisations follow to tackle it.
National Action Plan to Fight Human Trafficking (de/fr)