About the National Action Plan

NAP 60502546

On 15 January 2020, the Federal Council approved the revised Action Plans 2020-2023 on corporate social responsibility, and on Business and Human Rights. The federal government promotes the implementation of a responsible business conduct. It is an important contribution to sustainable development and to solving societal challenges.

The National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights was revised by the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) with the involvement of external stakeholders (business associations, civil society, academia) for the period 2020-2023. It builds on the results achieved so far and will continue to support companies with effective measures. This includes in particular the creation of support measures for the implementation of human rights due diligence (tools, guidelines, etc.) and cooperation with multi-stakeholder initiatives that can support SMEs in particular.

For more information about the NAP

Goal of the NAP

The NAP clarifies the position and expectations of the Federal Council with regard to business enterprises and aims to improve the protection of human rights in the context of economic activities. The NAP aims to:

  • communicate the Federal Council’s expectations of businesses;
  • raise businesses’ awareness of human rights due diligence;
  • strengthen collaboration between businesses and the State;
  • improve coherence of State activities.

Priorities of the NAP


  • clarifying what the federal government expects from the corporate sector;
  • enhancing dialogue with the private sector;
  • creating a business and human rights forum.


Support for business enterprises

  • providing targeted support for SMEs, promoting the exchange of information and best practices;
  • providing guidance on initiatives and certifications for the private sector;
  • promoting guidance for businesses;
  • developing expertise at Swiss embassies in order to support business.


Policy coherence

  • raising awareness among federal government-associated businesses;
  • improving interdepartmental cooperation;
  • defining objectives and indicators for all policy instruments.

Multi-stakeholder monitoring group

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) are responsible for coordinating implementation of the National Action Plan. A multi-stakeholder monitoring group has been in place since 2017, made up of representatives of business, civil society, the academic and scientific community, and the federal government. The monitoring group is consulted on key issues and strategy questions related to implementation of the NAP.
